Filament Slip on Makerbot Replicator Dual Origional

We had just started printing components for our NDI DBot 3D printer project when the Makerbot Replicator Dual Original 3D printer we have in the workshop began to slip mysteriously. Nothing seems to work. We disassembled the print head, cleaned and drilled out the nozzle with a special kit gifted from …

Niflheim Productions

The very talented team from Niflheim Productions spent a lot of their earlier years working from Wayne’s Workshop.

Some of the footage below shows scenes from inside Wayne’s Workshop and features a number of collaborative projects .

The Doctor’s Tardis PC Mod

Almost pulled an all nighter creating a special present for my Dr Who mad daughter. Below is a collection of images from the build. Lots of disciplines involved including planning, 3.D. modelling, printing and reprinting, re-purposing and recycling parts of the chair that broke under me while I was air-brushing for the …