Northpower Fibre bringing cosplay communities together

Whangarei high school technology teacher Wayne Carroll is utilising Northpower Fibre’s ultra fast broadband (UFB) network to bring the local cosplay (a performance art that sees participants, called cosplayers, wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent sci-fi, gaming, anime and comic characters) community together. Wayne runs ‘Wayne’s Workshop’ technology and cosplay hobby …

A Glimpse into Wayne’s World.

Its not everyday that space heroes turn up in Northland touting their own 3D printed gun. But that’s Wayne Carroll, Northland’s leading Maker Space leader and Cosplay expert. Wayne is also now a multi-award winner. He has won a technical prize in Northland’s Bernina Fashion Awards and a Cosplay Technical …

Itchy Trigger Finger is coming to Whangarei – Oct 1-3, 2018

Whangarei is having its very own cosplay, esports and tabletop gaming event this October. This is a big event for Whangarei and some of the best people in their Industries are pitching in to help out… Wayne’s Workshop will be there hosting the Cosplay Pitstop. That’s just somewhere for you …

Click go the shears for CanTeen

Reposted from the Whangarei Leader A sponsored head-shave has become an increasingly common way for lads – and some ladies – to cool off, and raise money for CanTeen. Excellere College teacher Wayne Carroll likes to make learning memorable for his students. Having shearer Mark Gillgren shear off his curly …